Saturday, June 14, 2008

Whew, long time

Well after being gently reminded last weekend by Sonny and Becky that we've not blogged for over a month, I figured we better get on it. It's been a pretty busy month, but a good one. I'm done with my first year of med school! Dah du da dah!!!!! Josh and his sister Jordan and I went out to a brew pub then met a bunch of my classmates at Washington Park for some festivities. It was a really great time, but I was brutally reminded that I really don't drink very much anymore. The next day was seriously rough and Josh made a lot of fun of me for being so hung over after drinking about 4 beers.

The next afternoon, after I nursed myself back to health, my mom and sister come into town! We had a really good time. We spent two days in Greeley at my godparents place, then came back to our house. It was the first time my mom had seen our new place since we moved in, and I think she liked it. Josh was in the middle of painting at the time, but the paint has really made this place our own. He's almost done with the whole first level. It looks nice and homey now, and we really love it.

Josh has started his summer season for hockey, so he's off enjoying his games on most Sundays. Last Sunday while he was out I decided to make him a fun snack, so I popped these out of the oven:

That's right, fresh soft pretzels: from scratch. I am fabulous.

This past week I've been taking Rocky with me every time I run. This has its ups and downs. Rocky is really hairy so he gets hot much faster than I do. This makes him an awefully slow running companion, not to mention he gets distracted by all things shiny and moving. Having him with me does get me out of the house though. There's nothing more heartbreaking than his face when he realizes he's not coming with, or that we're not going running after all. So, rather than face those sad eyes, I get out the shoes and the leash and away we go.

Rocky has also been campaigning like a politician on our runs. There's a long uphill stretch where we run along which Rocky finds any excuse he can to pull us over to the side for a rest. Usually these are potty breaks for him, but this past week there were loads of people on the trail. So Rocky has been shaking hands and kissing babies. We ran past a grandmother pushing a stroller who asked if Rocky was friendly to children. I said he was and she waved us over. Rocky immediately pokes his nose in and licks the little guy's face. The kid giggled so all was well, and Rocky the politician just ate up all the attention he could get. Keep a look out, he'll be on a campaign, or at least a running, trail near your sometime in the near future.

Yesterday we went to see the new Indiana Jones movie. It was a little odd at parts, very different from the others, but good nonetheless. I think we both had a great time with it. After that we went to use the rewards coupons we had received through our World Market account. They informed us we couldn't use them all on one large item (we were thinking about buying some art for the newly painted walls) so we ended up with all this sweet loot for a grand total (out of pocket) of 10$!

It's going to make for a fun father's day brunch tomorrow! I'm excited to use our tower o'coffee cups!
Josh has found a new favorite television show. It's called Ultimate Banzuke and it's a Japanese game show on G4 network. You should definitely check it out if you can. They have people going through obstacle courses while walking on their hands and on stilts. It looks incredibly hard. We both end up cheering and jeering as we watch.
Well, that's probably long enough for now. The good news is we've come into a real camera, so we should be able to document all our fun stuff we do this summer, and I swear I'll be better about posting to this blog (like you haven't heard that before).