Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Rules

Hey all, well we thought we'd lay down some ground rules for the blog (which we would have written in sooner, but Lisa stubbornly makes Josh be present for any blogging to occur). Our first rule, shamelessly stolen from the blog of effortlessly average:
  • No lurking. We started this blog to keep in touch, so if you stop by to read, please let us know. We love comments!
  • Keep laughing. We're never trying to offend.
  • Let us know if you have a blog. Lisa's always looking for things to do in, er, between class.

So, in the past week, Josh has decided that we've gotten old. Not to be considered alarmist, he came of with some reasons for this realization. He was driving home from work the other day when he started listening to the Fox on the radio. In the course of our lifetime, the Fox has added another decade to their "classic rock" genre. They were playing songs from the 90s. Unbelievable. Our youth is now "classic." Rough.

The past couple of weeks we've been hosting medial school interviewees the night before their interviews. Lisa's a sucker, so she offers to pick them up at the airport. This week, our lovely interviewer actually scheduled his flight for 10:30pm! Of course he was delayed, so he and Lisa didn't get back to the house until after 12. Lisa brought Rocky along in case he was a psychopath. You might be telling yourself, yeah, he came in late, but sometimes when you get those cheap flights you don't get to choose. He did. Why, you ask,did he choose to come in so late? He had an afternoon class. In english. Oy.

Well, we're hoping to get to this blog thing more frequently than biweekly. And we're hoping to hear from you all soon. Hope all is well.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Meet the Cast

If you're already here, you probably know us. We're a couple of nerds who are jumping on this blog thing pretty late, but here we are nonetheless. Despite our nerdiness we try not to be too flaky, but we don't always keep in touch with the world at large as well as we'd like. Hopefully this blog can help us stay in touch with all of you who we miss, and those of you we do see, but who just like to spy on your family and know who you are.

To the rest of the world:

Josh: engineer in Colorado. Enjoys long walks on the beach and romantic hot wing dinners...romantic because he lights a candle of course.

Lisa: med student in Colorado. Riding the gravy train for now so Josh can ride it later. Enjoys nerding out loud and making the dog wear her college t-shirts.

Butthead: aka Rocky. Enjoys wearing college t-shirts. Josh disagrees, but Rocky doesn't. Reminds Lisa of a baby without a diaper, minus the crying.

Based on the fact that we sat on the couch staring off into space when Lisa asked "so, what should we write?" it seems we don't have a lot of exciting anecdotes to add. But, Lisa's adding this picture on Rocky's behalf, you decide if he likes it....